Manages contractual agreements for the purchase and sale of electrical energy, using consumption data derived from remote metering, the Market Operator, and Administrator, through to the settlement of corresponding invoices. This includes calculating regulated charges as defined by regulations.
Enhance your business's commercial strategy by generating proposals that align with customer needs and establish a differentiating factor in negotiation conditions.
Main interface withthecapabilitytoanalyze and detect active contracts, settlements, billing, contractsnearingexpiration, withenergy and MXN moneygraphs, etc.
Additional benefits of MVM Commercial
Enhance competitiveness in energy purchase and sale contracts, in accordance with the dynamics of supply and demand.
Conduct the collection in accordance with the commercial terms in an automated manner.
Model negotiation conditions in accordance with market structure, taking into account current regulations.
Capabilityforcontractmodelingwithspecificationsonranges and supplyquantities, as well as dates and payment status, amongmanyotheroptions.
Control ofsettlements in thesupplychainthroughpurchases and sales withspecified time periods.